Thursday, April 24, 2014

Teach Them Like They Know Nothing

     Teach them like they know nothing is an excellent method of teaching a concept or idea to someone. In this method, you assume that the person you're teaching knows absolutely nothing about any of the concepts you are about to present to them. Even if they are familiar with some portions or steps, you must assume that they know nothing on the topic, equipment, etc that is being dealt with. This method can prove very effective.

Teach them like they know nothing removes all prerequisite items/information.

Teach them like they know nothing breaks the barrier of people who are afraid to ask questions when they get stuck or are unsure of something.

Teach them like they know nothing will give them the building blocks to reach the final product or outcome.

Teach them like they know nothing reinforces basic concepts by covering every single process.

Teach them like they know nothing makes large tasks seem smaller by breaking the overall function down into easier to handle chunks.

Next time you have to teach someone something, defiantly give the teach them like they know nothing method a try.

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